Tuesday, 1 May 2018

How much does a Physiotherapist earn in Singapore per year? (Updated 2018)

A few years ago, I shared this chart stating the starting salary with you guys.

Along with inflation, salary amounts gets updated too.

From the Graduate Employment Survey conducted in March 2017 by Singapore Institute of Technology, the only school that offers Physio, 

(Source: https://www.moe.gov.sg/docs/default-source/document/education/post-secondary/files/sit.pdf)

The 75th percentile of physiotherapy graduates has a monthly gross salary of SGD$3500.

The median monthly gross salary is SGD$3300.
The 25th percentile monthly gross salary is SGD$3300.

Additional SGD$200 for NSmen

Usually, less than 25% of graduates received first class honours and most of the remaining graduates receive second upper class honours. I also shared previously that Singaporen guys receive SGD$200 more than their female counterparts due to the extra compensation from their 2 years of National Service. Hence, we can safely assume that the 75th percentile monthly gross salary of SGD$3500 is earned by a male with 2nd upper class honours. A female with 2nd upper class honours would then earn about SGD$3300 monthly.

What if we include bonuses?

In Singapore, the bonus consists of the Annual Wage Supplement (AWS), also known as the 13th month bonus, and the Performance Bonus.

The AWS is 1 month worth of salary, while the performance bonus ranges roughly from 2.2 months to 2.6 months in the restructured hospitals. In the Voluntary Welfare Organizations (VWOs), the performance bonus may be on the lower end ranging roughly from 1 to 2 months.

For physios working in Singapore, total bonuses would amount to 2 to 3.6 months salary if you include the AWS.

Employer CPF Contribution

In Singapore, the employer has to pay additional 17% of the monthly gross salary to the Singaporean citizen/ Singapore Permanent Resident's CPF account (Singapore's social security system). For a foreigner, they may be paid the additional 17% in cash instead.


Starting annual salary for physiotherapists with second upper class honours working in Singapore can be summarized the the chart below

Please note that the figures do not include accommodation allowance allocated to selected foreigners.