Saturday, 3 January 2015

How much does a Physiotherapist earn in Singapore?

How much does a Physiotherapist earn in Singapore?

The public in Singapore started to hear more about Allied Health and Physiotherapists over the last few years, due to government plans to improve the healthcare system in Singapore to cope with the ageing population, also known as the "silver tsunami".

With the increasing need for healthcare practitioners, some may be thinking of embarking on a career in the Allied Health sector. One of the first few questions that would come to the mind of the above mentioned individuals would be "how much is the pay ah?". I would like to share with you how much you would be paid as a fresh university graduate working in one of the restructured hospitals in Singapore. Other allied health practitioners such as Occupational Therapists, Radiographers, and Radiotherapists are also paid similarly.

Physiotherapist Starting Salary in Singapore (Gross)

*Please note that the above figures are a rough estimate from random verbal sampling 
*It is a common practice in Singapore for men who have completed National Service to be paid more

The salary figures may surprise many as physiotherapists were paid much lower as recently as 5 years ago. A male diploma holder was only paid about $2300 before the 2 rounds of pay revisions were made within the last 5 years. That would mean he was only taking home about $1840 after CPF contributions. Therefore, it is good news when the government recognizes the importance of Allied Health in Singapore's healthcare and decided to increase their salary in 2012.

In conclusion, with the recent pay revisions, working as a physiotherapist in the Singapore public healthcare system is not too bad after all.

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