Saturday, 9 April 2016

Physiotherapy graduates highly sought after in Singapore

Physiotherapy graduates are highly sought after in Singapore.

Last month, MOE released data based on the 2015 Graduate Employment Survey Results. Physiotherapy graduates from Singapore Institute of Technology have achieved 100% permanent employment rate. Out of 105 courses, it is 1 of the 12 courses to achieved 100% permanent employment rate. Woo Hoo! Graduates have a median salary of $3200. The amount reported is lower than the verbal sampling that I did last year. It ranks 86th when the average gross monthly salaries are compared.

You need da strength lifting patients!
Based on the survey, the demand for physiotherapists is still very high in Singapore but the salary is on the lower side. However, salary should not be the only consideration in taking up physiotherapy as a profession. It is a profession that has high physical demands and may not be right for everyone. However, you may derive great satisfaction when a patient recovers with your help and expertise. In fact, I would discourage you from joining the profession if you dislike being with people or if you dislike helping people.

Don't let that smile fool you.
That leg probably weighs >10kg.

Image Credits: MSKTCimage,

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